About Us
What is HumanaCare
HumanaCare takes an integrated mental and physical wellness approach because a compassionate, holistic, employee centered care model is a prerequisite to more improved, long lasting outcomes. Employees are subsequently less absent, more engaged and productive at work, generating a significant return on investment for their company.
What Service do We provide
HumanaCare is a provider of Employee Assistance Programs, Disability Support Services, Medical Second Opinion Services, Eldercare and Chronic Disease Management.
For our clients, we deliver improved outcomes through our Employee Assistance Programs, Disability Support Services, Medical Second Opinion Services and Health Services (such as healthcare navigation, Chronic Disease support and specialized case management services, HumanaCare has more than 43 years of Canadian healthcare experience.
Services We provide
Employee Assistance Program
We provide the connection between your organization’s strategy and the health and experiences of your employees. We reduce absenteeism, improve employee engagement and productivity and provide tools and support to help employees build resiliency. Because the employee is supported in a holistic manner, we generate a more than 50% improvement in their outcomes when compared with the industry norm. Learn more!
Medical Second Opinion
Using a network of world-class specialist physicians and healthcare institutions, HumanaCare reviews the individual’s medical file to identify appropriate diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Learn more!
Disability Support
During absences, employees can access services, or HumanaCare can proactively engage the employee to provide any support that they may need. Learn more!
Over and above what is typically included as a part of an EFAP program, we provide Nurse-led coaching, support, case management and care assistance/coordination to provide caregivers with the tools to make informed decisions for their loved one’s care. Learn more!
Chronic Disease Management
Specific short-term targeted health coaching, including health risk assessments, as well as drug and medication adherence. Learn more!
HumanaCare Corporate Offices
Call us toll-free: 1-800-661-8193
47 Colborne Street, Suite 401
Toronto, ON
M5E 1P8
10050 – 112th Street NW, Suite #206
Edmonton, AB
T5K 2J1
445 Apple Creek Blvd. Suite 202
Markham On
We make it easier with a fast online quote that helps us better understand your specific health and wellness requirements. Once submitted, one of our EAP experts will get back to you within the same business day.
“I was facing some personal issues and challenges in my relationship with my husband. The level of stress and feeling of being overwhelmed took over for weeks. I was barely functioning. I did not want to get out of bed or go to work. I felt so drained and unable to concentrate. I lay awake at night and could not shut my brain off. It took me a couple of days to find the right time to call. As soon as I did, I knew I had made the right choice. The nurse that answered my call was so kind and did not rush me.I made sure to follow his guidance and recommendations and very quickly I started to notice a difference in how I was coping each day. It was not easy but I felt like I had support and I felt a lot better being able to talk with someone about how I was feeling. ” – A very happy HumanaCare plan member