- Employee Assistance Program
- Medical Second Opinion
- Disability Support
- Eldercare
- Chronic Disease Management
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
We believe everyone deserves better, longer lasting outcomes, and because a compassionate, holistic, employee centered care model is the prerequisite to better outcomes, we revolutionized the intake and delivery processes as well as the service supports common to employee assistance and related health care programs. All of these changes are designed to improve your employee’s health and productivity while keeping your program participation costs (about) the same.
Services Include
- Short–term therapy/counselling
- Trauma/crisis management and intervention services
- Financial, legal, family and stress-related services
- Health system navigation, case management, care coordination and concierge services for acute illnesses (expert advice on how to get the most out of the system)
- Caregiving and care support for age-related illnesses with support for the entire family (such as elderly parents), with care transitions (home to long-term care, hospital to community, etc.), community care and any related support
Medical Second Opinion
Using a network of world-class specialist physicians and healthcare institutions, HumanaCare reviews the individual’s medical file to identify appropriate diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
Because our service is fully integrated, the employee gets holistic support as needed to compliment the medical review. For example, a patient with cancer first gets a cancer review and may also need help with depression or anxiety.
We also have the ability for you to pay only for services you use, capped at a maximum fee which offers transparency in value to you.
Services include:
- Medical record gathering
- Clinical information review
- Healthcare system navigation
- Medical Specialist review and report generation
- Support with understanding and implementing the Medical Second Opinion Recommendations
Once the Nurse has gathered medical information, our specialists review and generate a report in as little as 24 hours.
Disability Support Services
During absences, employees can access services, or HumanaCare can proactively engage the employee to provide any support that they may need.
This can help with return-to-work facilitation, shortening durations and ensuring the employee has tools and resources that help them effectively deal with their injury or illness. We also support the organization with expert advice and support for the manager trying to make sense of the disability process.
Services Include:
- Return to work planning support
- Healthcare system and benefits navigation
- Appeal support
- Disability Case Management
Eldercare/Caregiving Support
Over and above what is typically included as a part of an EFAP program, we provide Nurse-led coaching, support, case management and care assistance/coordination to provide caregivers with the tools to make informed decisions for their loved one’s care.
28% of Canadians provide care to an aging family member or friend ever year, more than 450 hours each per year for an average of 5 years. This has a dramatic impact on their productivity and absenteeism.
Services Include:
- Case Management
- Care Coordination
- Concierge Support
- Healthcare System navigation
- Education, support
- Discount programs
Chronic Disease Management
Specific short-term targeted health coaching, including health risk assessments, as well as drug and medication adherence.
59 percent of employees with a health benefits plan are living with at least one chronic condition…which costs the Canadian economy $122 billion annually in lost productivity….These programs – in which a nurse specialist provides the employee with appropriate support – simply don’t exist elsewhere. Services under this category can be fully customized based on the needs of the employee population.
Services Include:
Health coaching by a Nurse/Nurse Practitioner on a number of health related issues including:
- Smoking Cessation
- Diabetic Care
- Blood Pressure
- Weight loss/Obesity
- COPD/Cholesterol/Heart risk
- Arthritis
- Pain